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Behind the Portfolio - NovoCarbo

The movers and shakers, producers and traders

As a leading international manufacturer, supplier and refiner of biochar, NovoCarbo GmbH provides circular economy solutions through the application of commercially proven Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies. The NovoCarbo experts have a track record of successfully developing, implementing, and managing these solutions for a variety of applications and industries – even given the most complex on-site conditions. With the pyrolysis of biogenic residues to premium biochar and its use in soil, NovoCarbo closes cycles and creates climate-relevant, certified carbon sinks. The long-term and safe storage of the CO₂ captured in biochar, which is necessary for its climatic effectiveness, is achieved by using the products as soil amendment in agriculture and horticulture or as substitutes for fossil raw materials in industry. The material flow can thus be closed in a CO₂-negative way.

The innovative usage of these technologies has led them to become a finalist for the 2021 German Sustainability Award DNP, where they are nominated for the transformation sector climate. The company, based in Dörth and Hamburg, started with its concept in 2018 and is currently tripling its production capacity by building additional plants in northeastern Germany. It is both a founding and board member of the German Biochar Association and the EBI – European Biochar Consortium.

The NovoCarbo Team

In the specific case of Rosenlundsparken the C-sink portfolio created with NovoCarbo is based on the usage of biochar for urban and landscaping purposes in Stockholm, Sweden. The applications comprise biochar as main additives to macadam-based soil. The feedstock for the biochar stems from wood residues. The Carbonfuture biochar tracking services used, reach from production to end usage and are based on a complete life-cycle consideration. In tune with this principle, the emissions related to the transport of the biochar to Stockholm were taken into account, calculating the portfolio total carbon sink in accordance with the EBC-sink method. The guidelines also ensure that biochar ultimately reaches the soil, so the carbon remains permanently sequestered. The below seen application is carbon-preserving for a minimum of 100 years.

To find out more about the ways in which you as a supplier or producer can benefit from the carbon sink value chain, check out our supplier section or contact us directly.

You’re a balancer and would like to find out how to buy the credits created in the Carbonfuture value chain? Then contact us or take a look at our portfolio collection here.

Urban problem, agricultural solution

Urban Problem, Agricultural Solution

The Rosenlundsparken project perfectly highlights the additional benefits associated with the use of biochar as a carbon sink. Not only does it fulfill a primary climate purpose of extracting CO₂ from the atmosphere and safely storing it in the ground, but it also shows how its secondary benefits can have a right to exist in and of themselves. In this case, the challenge faced by the city of Stockholm was one known to many urban planners and architects: successfully integrating tree plantations into cityscapes, where paved streets mean the trees no longer have the air and water to grow and provide the ecosystem services they once did in a pre-industrial age. When a survey showed that two-thirds of all trees in the inner city were dead or dying, a solution therefore needed to be found. Many different techniques and materials were tested, eventually leading to the Stockholm model, a method which integrates the use of biochar to ensure sustainable, long-life plant beds by improving soil structure and enhancing water and nutrient retention capacity.

But the story does not end here. The positive effects of this carbon sink will keep on giving, with not just the climate profiting from less atmospheric CO₂ but generations of Stockholm communities being able to benefit from longer-lasting green spaces, as well.

If facts and figures are more to your liking, then why not take a closer look at this specific portfolio here. If you’re ready to include carbon removal into your climate actions - be it as a supplier or balancer – get in touch!

Check out our supplier NovoCarbo here:

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